Hyper Personalisation of health and wellness

Apr 4, 2023

Hyper personalisation

Titan Life is world’s first comprehensive solution towards preventive health care management. This meticulously designed bundle encompasses not only a cutting-edge product but also an ecosystem that elevates the consumer experience to unparalleled heights. In contrast to many existing solutions that often conclude with a device approach.

1. Clinical-Grade Smartwatch: Titan Life features a state-of-the-art smartwatch equipped with an array of medical-grade sensors. These include ECG (Electrocardiogram), AFIB (Atrial Fibrillation) detection, SPO2 (Blood Oxygen Saturation) monitoring, in-depth sleep analytics encompassing REM (Rapid Eye Movement) and NREM (Non-Rapid Eye Movement) stages, skin temperature monitoring, and comprehensive multisport tracking.

2. Integrated Ecosystem: Our offering extends beyond the device with an ecosystem that seamlessly integrates subscription-based services tailored for Chronic Disease Management, Lifestyle Enhancement, and more, ensuring that individuals receive comprehensive support on their health journey.

3. World's First Hyper-Personalized Data Sharing Platform: Titan Life introduces the world's first hyper-personalized data sharing platform, enabling your loved ones to remotely access vital health metrics and daily activity information. This innovative feature fosters greater bond and peace of mind for families who stay apart.

4. Titan Health Connect Platform – This platform facilitates remote patient monitoring, enhancing the quality of care and ensuring timely interventions when needed.The design aim of Titan life was to craft a product experience that combines clinical excellence with digital connectivity to revolutionise personal health management. A first of its kind multi zone experience that dynamically addresses evolving needs of users with a hyper-personalized health & wellness management system via certified wearable technology. The device/app experience lets the user notice and understand vital health insights like ECG, SLEEP, BODY TEMPERATURE, SPO2 etc while allowing them to securely share their health data and medication adherence with their doctors, who can access this information through a secure portal, making remote monitoring and telemedicine consultations more effective. One of the key enablers of this is the Multi level navigation designed to empower individuals with easy guided access to health solutions while fostering collaboration with healthcare professionals and third-party services, all while prioritizing user privacy and security. Titan Life addresses user needs more comprehensively, making it a bridge between personal health management and medical expertise while marking a monumental stride towards the future of personalized healthcare, where technology and compassion converge for a healthier world.

The challenges behind designing a smartwatch.


In the rapidly evolving landscape of wearable technology, the demand for intuitive and efficient user experiences has never been higher. This case study delves into the UX challenges and solutions presented by "Dev-GUI," a comprehensive guide aiming to optimize graphical user interfaces (GUI) for wearable devices.

Problem Statement

The surge in wearable technology adoption has led to a paradigm shift in user interaction, emphasizing the need for efficient GUI design. Dev-GUI recognizes the challenges imposed by smaller screens, limited hardware capabilities, and the critical importance of battery life in wearables. The goal is to provide a guide that not only addresses these challenges but also ensures a delightful user experience.

Step 1: Optimize for Easier Navigation on Small Screens

Objective: Enhance user interaction on smaller screens by simplifying navigation.

1. Simplify Navigation Options: Streamline the GUI by removing unnecessary elements and employing simple buttons and swipes.

2. Use Scrolling or Wrapped Menus: Declutter the interface by presenting one to two menu items at a time, improving user focus.

3. Focus on Glanceability: Prioritize information visibility while in motion, aligning with the dynamic nature of wearable use.

4. Avoid High Contrast and Bright Colors: Minimize screen time and improve user comfort with a design that incorporates minimal text and subdued colors.

5. Icons Instead of Text: Enhance recognition speed by replacing text with simple icons, contributing to a faster and more intuitive user experience.

Step 2: Optimize Hardware for Performance and Power Efficiency

Objective: Address hardware limitations to ensure optimal performance and power efficiency.

1. Careful Hardware Selection: While GUI teams might not decide on the hardware, they should influence functional requirements, emphasizing features like 3D gestures, haptic feedback, and Wi-Fi connectivity.

2. Consider Processor-Intensive Tasks: Assess the impact of animations on CPU and memory resources, utilizing performance measurement tools for optimization.

3. Utilize Hardware Acceleration: Offload high-intensive tasks to hardware acceleration where available, reducing strain on the CPU.

Step 3: Use Memory Judiciously

Objective: Balance the usage of memory and flash storage to meet capacity needs without compromising on cost.

1. Replace High-Definition Images: Optimize memory usage by adopting smaller resolution images or vector graphics.

2. Consider Compression Formats: Implement higher compression formats or vector graphics to minimize memory consumption.

3. Free Up Memory: Profile memory usage, run UX tests, and employ strategies like freeing data lists and terminating unnecessary applications.

Step 4: Make Every Minute of Battery Life Count

Objective: Maximize the limited battery life of wearables.

1. Utilize Sleep Mode: Minimize power consumption by employing sleep mode and waking the device only for specific events.

2. Dim Backlight: Adjust screen backlight based on activity to save power, considering the impact on LCD and OLED/AMOLED screens.

Understanding Memory and Graphics

Objective: Provide insights into memory and graphics management for optimal UX.

Key Concepts:

1. Differentiating Flash and RAM: Understand the characteristics of flash and RAM, acknowledging their impact on graphics performance.

2. Framebuffers: Recognize the role of framebuffers in GUI development and the need for multiple buffers for seamless user experience.

Optimizing Frames Per Second (FPS)

Objective: Enhance the visual experience by optimizing frames per second.

Key Insights:

1. Importance of 60 FPS: Explore the significance of 60 FPS and its impact on user perception and experience.

2. Optimizing FPS: Emphasize the need to render only when necessary, minimizing workloads for improved efficiency.

This case study brings a comprehensive guide to navigate the challenges of wearable UI UX Design-Development, offering practical solutions to optimize UX. By focusing on navigation simplicity, hardware efficiency, judicious memory use, battery life maximization, and FPS optimization, this guide ensures that wearables deliver seamless and delightful experiences, fostering user satisfaction and loyalty in this rapidly evolving market.

UX Case Study: Design Sprint for Wearable Market Leadership

What next?

This UX case study revolves around a four-day design sprint aimed at establishing a wearable market leader position for a tech-savvy and connected consumer. The vision is to provide cutting-edge products and experiences while acquiring market share and increasing Monthly Active User (MAU) threshold.

Participants and Roles

- SMEs (Subject Matter Experts): Provided industry insights, market trends, and technical considerations.

  - Business Visionaries: Shared long-term goals and business objectives, driving the strategic direction.

- Product Team: Collaborated on product features, functionalities, and the overall user experience.

- UX Designers: Led the design sprint, focusing on creating a seamless and delightful user journey.

Design Sprint Process

Day 1: Understand and Define


- Conducted SME Speak sessions to gather industry insights and identify challenges.

- Defined the business vision and product objectives in alignment with market trends.


- Clear understanding of industry nuances.

- Articulated business vision and objectives.

Day 2: Ideate and Sketch


- Brainstorming sessions to generate ideas for product features and experiences.

- Utilized the Crazy 8's exercise for quick ideation and sketching.


- Diverse set of ideas for wearable products and features.

- Quick sketches representing potential design concepts.

Day 3: Decide and Prototype


- Facilitated discussions to narrow down ideas based on feasibility and alignment with business goals.

- Developed low-fidelity wireframes to visualize selected concepts.


- A prioritized list of features and functionalities.

- Low-fidelity wireframes for key screens and interactions.

Day 4: Test and Refine


- Conducted user journey mapping to understand the end-to-end user experience.

- Gathered feedback on the low-fidelity wireframes through usability testing.

- Developed a UX roadmap for iterative improvements.


- Refined wireframes based on user feedback.

- A roadmap for UX improvements and future enhancements.

Vision Statement

"To establish ourselves as a wearable market leader for the tech-savvy/connected consumer by providing cutting-edge products & experiences while acquiring the market share & increasing the MAU threshold."

UI/UX Design Goal

Design a user interface that seamlessly integrates cutting-edge technology, providing an intuitive and delightful user experience.


- Ensure a clean and modern design aesthetic.

- Prioritize ease of navigation for tech-savvy users.

- Integrate innovative features while maintaining simplicity.


The four-day design sprint successfully aligned business vision with user experience goals, laying the foundation for the company to establish itself as a wearable market leader. The collaborative efforts of SMEs, business visionaries, product teams, and UX designers resulted in a clear roadmap for product development and continuous improvement, reflecting the commitment to delivering top-notch products and experiences to the tech-savvy and connected consumer.

This is a 100% made in Titan and Made in India product. We have spent more than 2 years in research, development, clinical trails in crafting an experience that will be unheard of and first of its kind in the industry. This steadfast commitment has culminated in an unparalleled healthcare experience, marking a groundbreaking innovation that we plan to launch in Q1 of FY2024. Titan Life is a testament to our unwavering dedication to advancing healthcare for all.

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